An Ode to the Creepy Victorian Cat
OH creepy Victorian kitty
We are so sad to see you go
Whatever shall we do now
Wherever shall we go
Your stunner and googling eyes
Your adorable white night gown
Your gaze off into space
Creates a smile from a frown
The first day that we met you
You started as a joke
We never would have guessed
You would leave our hearts so broke
You came into our lives
A two dimensional digital
And now there is a void
In our hearts since you’re not there
Should i post a butt shot now
Or a photo of my food
I beeseech thee Victorian kitty
What am i supposed to do
Hours spent just staring at you
Applying you to life
Your befuddled simple expression
Always took away our strife
Not to mention you made it easy
For us to love you the most
You can get away with working 1 minute a day
When you only have one thing to post
Truth be told my brain hurts
That’s the last time I’ll ever complain
About wearing a snuggy in a heat wave
I’d give anything to wear it again
Lo o cat of great mystique
Please tell me it isn’t true
You can’t be gone it isn’t right
What will we ever do without you?
I’ve spent $2000 on stickers
To give away to your adoring fans
Please give me a sign from beyond the grave
Please help me if you can
Kula cloth is floundering
We don’t know how to tell
All Our potential customers
About the product that we sell
But you Victorian kitty
With your bulging little eyes
You could sell a Kula
Without ever needing to try
Slap a kitty on it
Give the money to a cause
Throw a banana on for good measure
Nothing gave you pause
Without you joy has gone away
My heart doesn’t sing with glee
Now I’m here just trying to find
A way to a sell a cloth for pee
A wise person once told me
Everything happens for a reason
So maybe if I look close enough
I’ll see the silver lining in you leaving
Kula means community
And we definitely have had that
The past few weeks have brought many laughs
From this creepy Victorian cat
And what is a laugh but a cosmic ripple
Of energy and love
Sent out into the universe
Down below and also above
Each time we choose to focus
Even if it’s on a meme
The happiness we feel inside
Becomes part of the dream
And what is life If not a dream
As we exist on this rotating ball
A dream we will wake up from
When We sink back into the all
Wow that was deep
Have I gone off course?
Th Victorian cat would disagree
It now lives in every flower
And among the peaks and trees
Sit quietly and you’ll hear it
It’s whispering quietly to you
Who you are really does matter
And that is something true
Oh Victorian kitty
we bid thee fair adieu
But our lives have been enriched
With the simple existence that is you
We might shed a tear
For the loss that we feel now
But if we listen closely ; we’ll always hear
Your soft meow