How to compost your Kula packaging!
Welcome to the future of packaging - bags that actually go back to nature!

Our packaging is HOME compostable, which means that you can simply put it in your compost bin at home! If you need help starting a compost bin, this link is helpful.
If you don't have a compost bin, you can bring your Kula bag to a friend who composts... or check to see if there are any local gardening organizations near you who might have a compost bin. You can also look for industrial compost facilites.
TIPA® Compostable films and laminates complies with standards for home and industrial composting, including ASTM D6400, ISO 17088, and EN 13432, and TUV OK Compost Home which stipulate that home compostable films disintegrate within 6 months and industrially compostable films disintegrate within 3 months.