Misfit Kula - Free Gift with $25 Purchase!
Regular price
$0.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$0.00 USD
Please note: these Kulas are ORDER ADD-ONs, and not available for individual sale as free items. They must be added to a purchased order during our holiday sale, otherwise your order will be refunded. Thank you for understanding!
We have some misfit Kulas that need to be re-homed. They are perfect Kulas - except for some just barely flawed printing.
One Kula will be added (automatically) PER ORDER. You don't need to add this item to your cart, but you can.
If you are reading this today - I hope you know how much you are loved. And also, that thing you really want to do or try - you should do it.
We love you and believe in you!!
Anastasia and the Kula Team