5 Backpacking Gear Items You Can Totally Make at Home (If You're Really Into Suffering)

5 Backpacking Gear Items You Can Totally Make at Home (If You're Really Into Suffering)

So, you’ve decided that paying for actual gear is for suckers and it’s time to embrace the “true” backpacking lifestyle: DIY all the things! Why settle for tried-and-tested equipment when you can whip up your own gear with the grace of a mad scientist? If you enjoy endless trial and error, and want to spend your trail time cursing your life choices, here are five backpacking gear items you can definitely make at home.

1. The Trash Bag Tent

Why spend hundreds of dollars on a tent when you can just grab a handful of trash bags and a roll of duct tape? Not only is this a fun and educational exercise in frustration, but you’ll also experience the joy of waking up with your tent glued to your face after a heavy dewfall. Bonus: You can re-enact your favorite scenes from The Great Garbage Storm when the wind picks up!

Pro Tip: Double up on the duct tape reinforcement unless you really want to get intimate with nature at 2 a.m. during a surprise thunderstorm.

2. Paracord Socks

Why wear boring old wool socks when you can fashion a pair of rugged, breathable socks from paracord? Sure, they may feel like you're walking on sandpaper and take about three hours to weave, but think of the versatility! Need to rappel down a cliff? Bam, you’ve got 50 feet of cord wrapped around your feet. Need to secure a bear bag? Just unravel your left foot and you’re good to go.

Pro Tip: Bring plenty of moleskin—or, better yet, just turn your feet into leather before your trip. It’ll save you a lot of trouble.

3. Homemade Dehydrated Water

Why carry around all that heavy water when you can dehydrate it at home? Simply lay it out on a tray in your oven at 350°F, and voila! You’ve got a pile of… nothing. But when you’re in the backcountry, just add air, and—wait for it—you’ll still have nothing! Genius, right?

Pro Tip: Keep this trick to yourself. If anyone asks, just say your dehydrated water is "top secret" and pretend to drink from an empty cup while looking smug.

4. Cardboard Backpack

Who needs expensive, high-tech backpacks when you can fashion one out of cardboard and a dream? Just grab a couple of old Amazon boxes, tape them together, and slap on some twine for straps. The structural integrity may not be ideal, but think of the character it will gain after a day in the rain. Plus, nothing screams “ultralight” like watching your pack slowly disintegrate as you hike!

Pro Tip: Waterproofing optional. Actually, never mind, waterproofing impossible.

5. DIY Bear Spray Alternative: Strongly-Worded Letter

Bear spray? Pfft. Just print out a polite but firm letter to the bears, explaining in clear terms that their aggressive behavior is unacceptable. When a bear approaches, simply unfold your note and read it aloud with authority. The key is confidence—bears can smell fear, but they also respect boundaries (probably).

Pro Tip: Have a backup letter handy for follow-up conversations, something like “Dear Bear, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot…” Just in case the first one doesn’t go as planned.

Let's RECAP the things that we've learned:

Why settle for functional, well-designed backpacking gear when you can make everything yourself, only to have it fall apart halfway through your trip? The beauty of DIY gear is the endless sense of adventure—and by "adventure," we mean the constant challenge of fixing what just broke. But hey, at least you'll have some great stories about that time your paracord socks fused to your feet.

Good luck, and may your trash bag tent be ever (barely) waterproof!
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P.S. If you've made it this far.... click golden golden cat below.... if you dare.
The Kula Team  


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