Everything is Makebelievable.

Everything is Makebelievable.

Hello friends, and welcome to the most secret... most magical place... on the entire internet. You are welcome here... to sit and listen to a little whisper of the infinite possibilities that live within YOUR HEART at all times. Who you are matters, and you have so much to bring to the world -- never forget that!
You were born on this planet
Only one of you exists
You matter so much
You have so many gifts

Not one person alive
Sees the universe like you
There's not much I know
But this much is true

Who you are is important
Your dreams are not silly
So keep walking that path
Even when it gets hilly

Each up and each down
A lesson you learn
A new opportunity exists
Around every single turn

Don't let go of ideas
They are meant to stay alive
As you nurture them with love
They start to thrive

And what starts as a glimmer
Will burn as a spark
And the light in your soul
Will brighten the dark

The more glimmers that rise
The more light we will see
The more people will bring
Their unique creativity

A ripple in a pond
It starts very small
But soon all that joy
Is shared with the all

It only takes a single
Person who decides to decide
That they won't live small anymore
That they weren't meant to hide

And as that blossoming happens
A flower so rare
The beauty, unimaginable
Extending infinite care

To all who are part
Of this cosmic river above
And we keep flowing on
Powered by that infinite love.
Photos by Marie Vanderpool.  
This is a secret page, so only the people who are meant to be here will find it -- and it is so important that we uplift each other! As you listen to the music, sign the guestbook below and write down something you are grateful for, or some kind and inspirational words for another human to read. 


Cindy J

Every day is a gift. Sometimes all it takes is a smile to change someone’s day. Smile a lot and share the good.


A marketing ploy? Surely they must be taking the piss, as a British hiking maven may say. Don’t be intimidated by our well hydrated, champagne hued tinkle taking, outdoor loving clan of beautiful people. We are young, we are old, we are motivated. Our stories are a tapestry of moments woven with positivity, self love, and the realizations that only outdoor adventures can provide. People armed with strong voices and antimicrobial pee cloths are taking over the (outdoor) world. Stay strong my fellow aficionados, and fly your kula flag proudly!

Jenna O'Horan

I am very grateful for my friend, and hiking partner, who is letting me stay with her while I go through a major life change.


As we’re here at the end of June, the middle of peak summer time adventures, here are some seniments to carry you through the rest of the year. May you never be too tired to skip the smile and nod or hello when you pass another hiker. May you always stop to appreciate the big views and the little mushrooms. And may you never pee in poison ivy. ❤

Bonnie Ackerman

Ironically I had planned to walk down to the beach this morning with my son to watch the sunrise. I rarely if ever set alarms for anything because I wake up so predictably. And this morning I “overslept” (until 5:41! 11 minutes past sunrise). While initially super bummed to miss this stunningly clear morning sunrise, I am grateful to have found this stunningly beautiful sunrise serenade. I love you and I love this community!! Thank you 🙏🏼 💕

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